Crystal Bed Therapy
A crystal bed is the name given to t healing device. It stands over a bed or couch and has seven lights shining down from it. These lights each have a crystal inside which is cut to a certain frequency emitting energy, allowing the body to absorb it into the seven Chakra's, thereby cleanisng, balancing and aligning your energy. The individual recieving the treatment rests fully clothed, face up and eye's closed bathing in the energy. Soft music is provided to help one relax during the treatment.
Crystal Bed Light Terapy is safe and non invasive. The person recieving the treatment simply removes his/her shoes and glasses, then lie fully clothed on the bed and relax. Once comfortable, a white cloth is placed over the eyes, the lights in the room dimmed, soft-music played and finally the pulsating lights shining throught the crystals are turned on. All the individual needs to do is relax, let go or even fall asleep. The light, crystals and healing Spirits will do the rest.
During the treatment, people feel all manner of sensations - pressure, weight, lightness, heaviness, hot/cold, etc. It's all different for everyone, only you can experience it for yourself...
As with many subtle energy healing therapies, no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured. However, there are many many reports of healing occuring. Healing can occur on many different levels; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. The crystal bed can also help open connections with the Healing Spirit Guides.
Many people who have had Crystal Light Bed Therapy sessions have reported some of the following:
- Feeling more energised
- Feeling more at peace
- Feeling less stressed
- Feeling deep relaxation
- Gaining insights into the cause of disease states
- Recieving guidance on how to deal with a disease or problem